Generic Dostinex (Cabergoline)
Dostinex is used to treat hormonal imbalance with much prolactin in the blood to reduce or prevent breast milk production.
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Common use

Dostinex is a synthetic ergoline with a high affinity to dopamine D2 receptors, a strong prolonged activity inhibitor of prolactin secretion. Prolactin is a hormone that is released from the hypophysis. This medication is used to treat hormonal imbalance with much prolactin in the blood (hyperprolactinemia) to reduce or prevent breast milk production, except after childbirth (postpartum).

Dosage and direction

Take this medication exactly as prescribed by your doctor. Take it orally twice weekly. Dostinex is usually taken twice each week for at least 6 months. Dosage is adjusted generally at 4 week periods based on tests for prolactin levels in blood.


Avoid drinking alcoholic beverages. Before to take Dostinex notify your doctor about allergies, liver diseases, psychiatric illnesses, uncontrolled high blood pressure, high blood pressure during pregnancy which you may suffer or if you are breastfeeding . Get up slowly from a sitting or a lying position to avoid dizziness or lightheadedness caused by this medication.


Dostinex is contraindicated in patients with uncontrolled hypertension or known hypersensitivity to ergot derivatives (ergotamine, ergonovine, Ergomar, Cafergot, dihydroergotamine, Migranal Nasal Spray, D.H.E. 45, Ergotrate, or methylergonovine, Methergine, pulmonary, pericardial, cardiac valvular, or retroperitoneal fibrotic disorders in history.

Possible side effect

Side effects may include symptoms of allergy (hives, rash, swelling of face and tongue, acne). Major side effects are: cough or trouble breathing, feeling light-headed, fainting, nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, constipation, headache, numbness. Contact your doctor if you experience severe symptoms listed above as you might need immediate medical help.

Drug interaction

Inform your doctor about all medications or herbal products you take, especially about: blood pressure drugs, dopamine blockers (metoclopramide, antipsychotics such as chlorpromazine, haloperidol); drugs that cause drowsiness, sedatives, sleeping pills, narcotic pain relievers (codeine), anti-anxiety medications, antidepressants, muscle relaxants, anti-seizure medications, certain antihistamines (diphenhydramine). Never take this drug without your doctor's approval.

Missed dose

If you missed a dose take it as soon as you remember, but not if it is almost time of the next intake by your schedule. If so skip the missed dose. Do not try to make up a missed dose by taking an extra one.


If you suspect that you took too much of the medication seek for immediate medical attention. Your symptoms may appear as mental changes, nasal congestion, fainting, lightheadedness, or irregular heartbeat.


Store Dostinex in a dry tight container away from sunlight at room temperature between 15-30 C (59-86 F) away from children and pets.


We provide only general information about medications which does not cover all directions, possible drug integrations, or precautions. Information at the site cannot be used for self-treatment and self-diagnosis. Any specific instructions for a particular patient should be agreed with your health care adviser or doctor in charge of the case. We disclaim reliability of this information and mistakes it could contain. We are not responsible for any direct, indirect, special or other indirect damage as a result of any use of the information on this site and also for consequences of self-treatment.
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